John Kirby Photography Interview

John kirby photography


Name: John Kirby
Country: Netherlands
City: Eindhoven


Facebook: John Kirby

Which is your favorite lens? Why? 50mm L Canon, Great portrait lens.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Grown & still shooting making memories and having good times with my friends and family.

What are your career goals? To make that one picture that go's viral & go to beautiful places and countries of the world.

What photo-editing program do you use? Honestly am not a fan of photoshop but i do use Lightroom.

Are you a detail oriented person? Yes very much so, i watch for pose composition clothing etcetera.

What is your favorite subject to photograph? Portrait & Boudoir.

What does photography mean to you? It is about the total atmosphere, the adventure and experience of the photo, the pure beauty, character of a person and their environment. And to record this in such a way that a beautiful memory and experience is richer.

What makes the good picture stand out from the average? Hard to say because we all have a different taste of beauty. But for me personally, one that holds your attention longer than five seconds.

What inspires you? Fellow photographers and models, Sean Archer, Mavrin, Ohrangutang, Peter Coulson, Sadie Gray, Clara Rene, Julie March, Cristinapilo, Krotchy just to name a few.

Whose work has influenced you most? Hard to say am more focused on doing my own thing.
But on the technical side i like watching tutorials picking up new ideas. Youtube & Fstoppers is a great platform for research and learning.

Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why? Tough choice! haha. I have a few but Celene rocked it, She had zero experience modeling and she nailed every shot like a pro.

What kind of tools do you use for post processing? Pretty much none, Sometimes a little retouch and Lightroom thats it. I like to stay close to natural. Am not a fan of filters or photoshop.

Why did you choose to pursue a career as a photographer? Because you create something timeless in a society thats in a rush to forget its past.

What kind of gear do you use? Canon and L lenses & Sigma Art lenses.

How do you connect with difficult clients? I don't, we click or we don't.

How do you educate yourself to take better photos? Keep shooting keep learning.

What type of cameras do you shoot with? Dslr & Analogues.

How would you describe your photography style? My own? Haha.

How long have you been a photographer? Since 2011 as a hobby, The last 4 years as simi-pro.

Did you go to school to study photography? No, books & field work learns you the most in my opinion (Learn from your mistakes & keep shooting)

What is the most difficult part of being a photographer for you? My girlfriend haha, She gets jealous at times shooting models. I just think its cute.

What is the most rewarding part of being a photographer for you? People's reactions to their pictures. Their families proud reactions. Showing that person what i see vs what they see, Finding their proud moment and giving confidence.

What do you like least about being a photographer? Diva behavior. Models telling me how to do my work.

What do you like most about being a photographer? Getting to know new faces, A model that embraces the moment doing her or his thing. Magic!
